Friday, June 5, 2009



Human has strength that can never be measured...It's our mind.Every person in this world have to discover themselves to know how lucky they're being born in this world.Suddenly,everything have to be changed to maintain the balance of are 10 affirmations for changes;honestly I really touched with those's like pulling trigger to release bullets when you're in changing mode of my attitude and aptitude..


1."I anticipate,plan and prepare.I am successful,and I am always ready in most positive way,for what lies ahead.I anticipate."

2."I make choices.I choose my course of action in everything that I do.I create achievement and fulfillment in my life.I make choices."

3."I believe in myself.With my strength,my confidence,and my belief,I make achievement a way of life!"

4."I am creative.I always approach changes,problems,and opportunities in a creative and resourceful way.I have a good mind,and I use it well,I am very creative."

5."I have perspective.I choose to see the world and everything around me in the clearest and broadest possible way.One of the reasons that I am strong and stable is because I choose to keep a healthy balance and a clear perspective in every thing I think and do.I have perspective."

6."I set goals.I think them through,I write them down,I review them each day,and I work to make them happen.I choose to be successful.I'm good at setting goals."

7."I take action.I put myself in motion.I know what I do,and I get things done.When action is called for,I always take action."

8.'I am an achiever.Achievement to me is a way of life.I add to my life.I add to my life and to the lives of others because i choose to achieve in every important thing I do.I have good value and good worth,and it shows;I am an achiever!"

9."I adapt to any situation well,but always by own choosing.And I am very good at adapting any situation to create the best possible outcome.I know how to WIN!"

10."I choose to excel,in times of change and throughout my life.I am a person of Quality,value,and worth;I choose to EXCEL!"

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i like what u say