Renowned psychologist Dr. Alfred Barrios once said, "Most people have the mistaken idea that geniuses are born, not made." But as science and technology advance, more evidence arises suggesting that it is possible for people to increase their brain activity so that they are smarter. They may even be able to achieve genius-level status.
Keep your mind young by learning new things. Don't let your brain grow rusty from not using it - your mind is like a muscle that needs exercise in order to stay healthy. There are many formal and informal courses, mind games, and activities that can help. Some of them are on this page. To start you off take a look at how to stay mentally sharp.
Albert Einstein is generally considered to have been a great genius. And yet he spent much of his working life in a menial clerical job working on his theories and papers on his own time, until he finally got some recognition and succeeded. Albert Einstein believed that “There’s a Genius in all of us”. So, take some inspiration from the great Albert Einstein himself!
Everyone knows that you cannot have a great mind if you have no body to put it in. Remember that you can help yourself have a better chance at a brilliant mind if you keep your body healthy and well. Some other Mahalo pages that could help you are how to eat healthy foods, how to read food labels, how to make healthy ingredient substitutions, how to get into shape, how to exercise at your desk, how to stick to an exercise program, how to start an exercise routine and how to measure body fat.
Step 1: Think Like a Genius
In order to become a genius, you've got to start thinking like a genius. You are probably rolling your eyes and thinking, "If I already thought like a genius, I wouldn't need this how to!" But by thinking like a genius you must convince yourself that you already are a genius.
Behave like a genius
Talk like a genius
Carry and present yourself like a genius
Step 2. Use Your Time Wisely
Geniuses know how to maximize their time for optimum learning and experience. They do not waste time on activities that do not heighten their experience or provide an opportunity to learn something. Geniuses spend very little time on things like:
Watching television
Playing video games
Surfing the Internet
The above activities actually put your brain on sleep mode, so instead you will want to find activities that stimulate the mind and promote creativity, like:
You should also consider taking on a job in an environment you enjoy, and that also enables you to continue learning along the way. A genius's mind is always open to more knowledge. Find ways to incorporate learning into your everyday activities.
Step 3: Feed Your Mind
Just as geniuses know how to use their time wisely, they also know what to feed their body to promote healthy brain activity. Take some time to reflect on your current diet.
Are you dependent on a stimulant, like caffeine?
Do you weigh yourself down with too much starch?
Is every bite coated in sugar?
Are carbohydrates fogging your brain?
Once you've assessed your diet, look for ways to improve it. Maybe you enjoy a cup of coffee now and then, and that's fine, but if it's become an addiction your mind will be drawn away from its natural functions to service that addiction. The same thing goes for any type of addiction, whether it be nicotine or a more serious drug. You want your mind to be functioning at full capacity at all times.
Eating brain food is another way to increase your mental activity.
Proteins kick start memory and neurotransmitters
Brains need essential fatty acids because they are mostly made of fat
Foods that are close to their original, natural state are best, like foods that are:
Unprocessed Organic
The page below is a great introduction to how to be a genius by training your mind to work more efficiently. A linear tangible goal - the basics. This video opens up the meaning of genius to a wider focus. You can be a genius at leadership - in inspiring others, in tackling larger projects, in overcoming your own personal shortcomings and showing others how to do the same etc. So think about it, once your brain is improved and sharper - what will you choose to do with it? Here is some inspiration for the next level. And only you can know what you want to achieve and how far you can learn and grow and what new goals you can reach as a person and community member in this civilization. Good luck!